Membership Benefits & Categories

Benefits of joining ICRA include:

  • Discounted meeting registration for ICRA educational and networking events
  • The Abstract Newsletter with the latest ICRA and registry management news
  • Access to the Members Only area including the membership directory, bylaws, abstracting resources, latest job postings and voting capabilities
  • Access to NCRA annual meeting scholarghips
  • Access to ICRA annual meeting scholarships

ICRA’s Membership drive begins at the ICRA Fall Conference and runs up to 60 days prior to the Fall Conference. ICRA membership is good for 1 fiscal calendar year (April 1st – March 31st) and should be renewed annually. To be eligible to vote in the ICRA elections, membership must be current. All dues are nonrefundable and are not transferable if paid by an individual.



An active member shall be a certified tumor registrar, a cancer registrar, or a person whose primary occupation is involved with any, or all, facets of cancer registry work. An active member in good standing shall be entitled to all membership privileges, including the right to vote, hold office, or chair a committee.

ASSOCIATE: ……………………………………………………………………………………..$30.00
An associate member shall be any person interested in the purpose of ICRA, but who does not meet the qualifications for active membership (not actively working in the field). A certified tumor registrar who is no longer active in the field may apply for associate membership. An associate member shall be entitled to the right to vote and chair a committee, but shall not hold an elected office.

STUDENT: ……………………………………………………………………………………….$25.00
A student member shall be a person who is enrolled in a college level curriculum and is interested in the purpose of ICRA, but who is not actively employed in a cancer registry. A student member shall not vote, hold office, or chair a committee.

HONORARY: ……………………………………………………………………………………..$0.00
A person who has made a significant contribution to Cancer Registry or its related fields or has rendered distinguished service in the profession may be elected to Honorary Membership by a unanimous vote of the active members present and voting, his/her name having been recommended by the Board of Directors. Honorary members shall be exempt from dues, shall possess none of the rights and privileges of other classes of membership. An honorary member shall not hold any other class of membership in ICRA.

Click Here to Renew or Join Now